Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim
Photo by: Christy Mountford
Brisbane, Australia
I want to really thank the mama in this story. I appreciate her sharing her journey with us here. I find three things to learn while reading this birth story.
The first was just how much we really long for the love and emotional support of our partners during birth. Sadly, when that piece is missing, although we can (must) still get through it, we can be left flat and often times depressed at a time that should be joyous and monumental.
Secondly is just how much birth is really all our own. Whether or not we have the emotional support we desperately long for is truly irrelevant. Regardless, we have a journey to travel and it will happen with or without the support we want. Frankly, this is true of the entire journey through life. We long so much to share it, but the reality is it is truly our own. The one and only truly with us is Allah (SWT) and the more we can learn to depend on HIM the easier everything becomes, subhanAllah!
Third is that our bodies are amazingly created to carry and birth our babies! Trusting in the natural process and perfect design will get us through without the aid of man-made drugs and interventions! Way to go, Mama, ya Rab!
I hope you enjoy this story. Please let me know if you'd like to share yours. Now on to the story...The Power of Our Inner Strength...