
I am a midwife, childbirth educator, lecturer, doula, and natural mother of eight children. This is not a medical reference; I do not proclaim to give medical advice. Anything stated here is from personal experience, research, study, and opinion. Each woman has the responsibility to do her own research, consult with her own medical team, and make her own decisions about pregnancy and birth.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Birth is Inherently Safe - 4 of 10

Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim

In the last four articles we discussed the Mother's Role to maximize the infinite safety nets that Allah (SWT) has built in the childbearing year, as well as the First, Second, and Third of ten of these safety nets that we will discuss in this series. In this article we will discuss the increased blood volume that mothers experience during pregnancy and how this is an important safety net for mother and baby.

When a women is pregnant, her blood volume increases by about 50%. This is a vital safety net for both mother and child. First of all the mother must share her circulating oxygen with the growing baby. This means that less oxygen will be available for her own needs (mommy brain, fatigue, anyone?--truly our brains and bodies may be oxygen deprived as compared to normal). 

By the second trimester this increased blood volume has maxed out. With it comes an increased oxygen carrying capacity so that we can afford to share our oxygen with the growing baby, alhamdulelah. This is also why many mothers suddenly have a "second wind" and burst of energy and wellness in the second trimester, masha'Allah (as willed by God). 

However, not every woman will get exactly 50%. Some mothers may get a little more, some a little less. The ones that have less increase are more susceptible to anemia and postpartum hemorrhage. The number one factor in maximizing this blood volume increase lies in the mother's nutrition throughout her pregnancy. She must consume adequate amounts of water, proteins, and sodium (salts) in order to maintain a healthy blood volume increased. So attention to hydration and good healthy proteins and salts are imperative.

After birth. the mother will bleed for about forty days to purge off this extra blood volume, now that it's no longer needed. This period of nifas (postpartum bleeding) is another safety net and blessing from Allah (SWT), as the mother is excused from regular religious duties, such as salat (five daily prayers) and fasting (should it happen to be Ramadan-month of Islamic fasting). These reliefs from religious duties allows the mother the freedom to relax and focus on her baby during these early weeks, as she is bonding and getting the hang of breastfeeding, bidnillah.

Please note that the extra blood volume may also result in more likelihood of bleeding gums and bloody noses. It is especially important to maintain good dental hygiene in pregnancy, as the bleeding gums will make a pathway for bacteria in the mouth to enter the blood stream and this can be harmful for the growing baby (depending on what's going on in her mouth). Regular flossing, brushing, and dental visits for checkups and cleanings are important during pregnancy (obviously no x-rays-so it's important that you dentist be aware of your pregnancy status). 

Allah truly is the best of all Planners and Creators and each of these safety nets is yet another revelation of the signs within ourselves for those who care to think. 
“We shall show them Our signs on the horizons and within themselvesuntil it will be obvious to them that it is the Truth. Does your Lord notsuffice, since He is Witness over all things?!"[Qur’an 41:53]

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