
I am a midwife, childbirth educator, lecturer, doula, and natural mother of eight children. This is not a medical reference; I do not proclaim to give medical advice. Anything stated here is from personal experience, research, study, and opinion. Each woman has the responsibility to do her own research, consult with her own medical team, and make her own decisions about pregnancy and birth.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Infant Health Benefits from Natural Birth and Breastfeeding

Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim

An informative article about Probiotics (live bacteria which benefits human health) in breast milk appeared in Al Riyadh newspaper on June 4, 2010.  The original article was published in Arabic and can be found at:  البروبيوتك مجموعة من البكتيريا الصديقة تعمل على تعزيز مناعة الرضيع   I found many points in the article to be rather interesting as well as confirming my beliefs in natural birth and breastfeeding, alhamdulelah.

My husband was kind enough to do a quick summary translation for us to read here.  I hope you enjoy the article and welcome your story ideas as well.  Now on to the English version of the story...Infant Health Benefits from Natural Birth and Breastfeeding...

The full title of the Arabic article is Probiotic is a group of friendly bacteria which increases infant immunities.  The article was divided into three parts.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

من هي الدولا؟ (What is a Doula?)

Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim

I am pleased to post this article in Arabic.  It originally appeared on January 9, 2011 in English on the Motherhood section of Saudi Life.  It can be read in English here: What is a Doula?  

I am grateful to my husband for translating it.  Please share it with others who would benefit from this educational article in Arabic.  Now on to the story...من هي الدولا؟  (What is a Doula?)...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Vaginal Birth After TWO Cesareans (VBA2C)...in Saudi!

Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim
Beautiful Baby Boy
Born Vaginally After Two Cesareans! 

It is a blessing to share this story on my blog.  What makes it amazing is not only the rarity of having vaginal delivery after TWO cesareans, but that she did it in Saudi Arabia, masha'Allah!

Although I wish she had gotten educated sooner, avoided medical interference from the get go, and tried non-medicated natural bith...I am still very proud of this mama!  I'm also thankful to her for sharing the many links she researched when pursuing her VBA2C (listed at the end of the article).  Due to copyright, I cannot post the ACOG (American College of Gynecologists) report that she showed her doctor, but I do have it on file and would be happy to email it to anyone who requests a copy.

I hope you enjoy reading this inspirational birth story.  Please let me know if you'd like to share yours.  Now on to the story...Vaginal Birth After TWO Cesareans (VBA2C)...in Saudi!...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Persevering in Homebirth!

Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim
 Precious Baby Narmeen!

I loved reading this story.  Masha'Allah, the mother persevered in her decision to birth at home, even though it was a difficult birth.  There are so many instances in reading her story that I realize would have been indicative of intervention in a medical model (beginning with induction and possibly ending with cesarean), even though the mother and baby were never in any real danger.  I really admire her trust in Allah throughout the process.  It's a great reminder that birth is a natural process and our bodies are equipped to do it!  I'm honored and grateful to her for sharing her story here and hope it inspires others to trust the natural process!

I hope you enjoy reading this birth story.  Please let me know if you'd like to share yours. Now on to the story...Persevering in Homebirth!...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Comfort of Homebirthing

Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim

This story was originally published in print by Al Jumuah Magazine.  I am pleased to have permission from them to post it here.  It was written several years ago by my dear friend and sister, Professor Aisha Hamdan.  She is a Professor of Physchology with a Bachelor's degree in Islamic Studies, masha'Allah.

I am amazed at how closely Professor Hamdan's views mirror my own, masha'allah.  I hope you enjoy her story and perspective.  As always, I'd be honored to share your story as well.  Now on to the story...The Comfort of Homebirthing...

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Breastfeeding Isn’t Always Easy

Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim

Alhamdulelah, I was blessed with fairly easy breastfeeding experiences with my children.  The first was a bit hard because he was premature, however not too bad.  Fortunately, I didn’t even realize he was difficult until I had the second and experienced how easy she was, subhanAllah.

I recently joined an online breastfeeding support group, La Leche League in the Middle East.  The moderator is also a doula in Ha’il, Saudi Arabia.

I wanted to share a recent post from another member (also a doula in Riyadh) about her experiences with breastfeeding.  She’s has six children but did not find breastfeeding so easy.  I admire her perseverance to keep trying.

Even mothers that find nursing easy, need support.  Think how much more those mothers who experience difficulty need the loving support and resources such as this group in order to succeed.  I hope you’ll benefit from her story and share it with others.  Let me know if you a story you’d like to share.  Now on to the story…Breastfeeding Isn’t Always Easy…